Investment in education is key to our future!
Great Wakering has one primary school and a small handful of pre-schools/nurseries. The whole village is in the primary catchment area of King Edmunds High School. Transport to and from this school is provided by way of a free bus service, an agreement that was made when Great Wakering senior school was converted into a primary school and all senior school pupils were moved to King Edmunds.
Our children are also entitled to apply to attend other surrounding high schools, such as Cecil Jones, Caulfield Road etc, however free transport is not normally provided for those schools. We also have access to Thorpe Hall and Alleyne Court Schools - our local public schools.
A common complaint heard in the village is that there is unfair competition, for example when children wish to attend other high schools in Southend/Shoebury or, in particular, grammar schools such as Southend and Westcliff High.
King Edmunds currently has an excellent track record of achievement and provides education up to A Level standard. However King Edmunds School is nearly full and faces the prospect of massive expansion in the not too distant future.
But what do the parents and children think of our local education system?
The school curriculum is dictated by the Department for Education and the internal affairs of each school are decided by the school's management team and governors.
Whilst we are unable to directly meddle in the internal affairs and workings of our schools (and have no wish to), we will be using the results of this questionnaire to try and influence the schools and Esex County Council. Rest assured, they will be seeing the results of our survey!
This questionnaire provides us with an excellent opportunity to let everyone involved in the local education system know what we think. The statistical results of the questionnaire will be shared and discussed with all parties responsible for education locally. And all responses, actions and follow up meetings will be published by us.