November 2015
- Fabulous Fun Day - Launch of Parish Plan 28th November 2015
Fabulous Fun day
Climbing Wall — Bouncy
(Climbing Wall Minimum Age 8)
Saturday 28th November 2pm to 4pm
at the Great Wakering Sports and Activity
The Primary School
to Launch the Parish Plan and Action Plan
Whilst the youngsters are enjoying themselves,
please come and join us for tea, or
coffee and biscuits to see how your responses have been collated into the GW
Parish Plan and the resulting Action Plan a documented list of hopes and
- Link to RDCs Allocation Document which identifies land in GW allocated for housing
The Local Development Framework (LDF)
policy identified land in the District as part of the Housing Development land
in the Allocations Document...
- Cogent Land LLP - expected to apply for planning permission for SER9a before Xmas
Cogent Land LLP
who held a drop-in exhibition at the old school on 17th September
2015 are expected to apply for planning permission for SER9b - the land west of
Little Wakering Road and to the south of Barrow Hall Road before Christmas